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Those helping me, Web Of Hair, with a jingle

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:24 pm
by Web Of Hair
I am shooting to have the CD out by mid October so please have the jingles or songs done by mid September please! If you can not help out with a jingle the next best thing is prank my stores answering machine, sing the jingle or sing it in your own crazy style. I have aboot 50 minutes of the CD too fill up! Obviously I won't fill it up with 80 minutes of Video Game Underground songs but I'd love to do that! Even if all you can do is a 4-track recording that is fine! In the end it's supposed to be a joke in a way. The original jingle is soooo catchy that it created 2 covers at first then another came and now there is one remix of the original and someone else is doing a Trent Reznor style remix, I am anxious to hear. There are two of you that said they would help but I was hoping for more.

The original jingle may even come under fire in the coming months. I had a regular tell me that his mom and a fellow Church group wants to have the jingle banned from being aired! He tells me that they claim it is a Satanic chant and is corrupting kids! I aboot shit when he told me this. It'd be tooooo funny if it really happens! Free advertising if it does even if they are talking bad abot the jingle! What is kind of funny aboot it though is the original was recorded by a Bleath Metal band, Black/Deathj for those that couldn't figure out Bleath.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:36 pm
by Cemetery Floods
can u give a link to the jingle, if i ever buy some recording equiptment i migh tbeable to help, but i doubt it.... id stil llike to see it jus tin case though. it'd be cool to help ya out.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:53 pm
by Web Of Hair
Cemetery Floods wrote:can u give a link to the jingle, if i ever buy some recording equiptment i migh tbeable to help, but i doubt it.... id stil llike to see it jus tin case though. it'd be cool to help ya out.

at the bottome are the current jingles, the Doom one is the original.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:10 am
by Browns Town

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:16 am
by Browns Town
One suggestion for your site, bro. You really should alphabetize your game titles. :tup:

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:42 am
by Web Of Hair
Browns Town wrote:One suggestion for your site, bro. You really should alphabetize your game titles. :tup:
In Process. New Software.....

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:13 am