Are there any non-locking vibrato systems that don't cause the strings to go out of tune when used? I've always wondered this, 'cause it seems like they'd be pointless otherwise.
That finish is fucking beyond terrible. The first pic looks like a bad photoshop behind the bridge what the FUCK, and the last pic looks like a guitar version of the Wagon Queen Family Truckster. Could you possibly make it look any worse? Maybe a gold trem spring cover plate and black strap buttons while you're at it. Fret markers look cool though.
Love too often is only a dream
If I am harsh and unkind to myself
So I share these attitudes with you
No, and what you're attempting to point out as such doesn't even faintly resemble a guitar that has been dropped on the ground. You're usually not this sporadic and reaching for insults. Try again, which I have no doubt will be the case.
Tyson wrote:How many votes did you ever get in the PBB awards for being the funniest poster?
When you came home with that Nordic Track treadmill years ago for that fat blob of jello known as your wife the implication for losing weight was there...however, it's just collecting dust, and well...yeah, she's still working on her diabetes.
tomEtom wrote:When you came home with that Nordic Track treadmill years ago for that fat blob of jello known as your wife the implication for losing weight was there...however, it's just collecting dust, and well...yeah, she's still working on her diabetes.
I've never bought a nordic track, my wife isn't fat, nor does she have diabetes. I do however make much more money than you, and am much more intelligent than you are. Inescapable truths that anger you to no end.
Tyson wrote:How many votes did you ever get in the PBB awards for being the funniest poster?
Jesse, nice work, I will admit that finish is not my thing, but it's good workmanship.
If I ever commission you to build me a bass, don't make it that color.
[b]"Psycho Gangster"
And why exactly would I change my name to "Schmeagle"?[/b]
[b]"Bukkake Tsunami". My two negro cats are fighting, the one missing a leg is winning.[/b]
tomEtom wrote:When you came home with that Nordic Track treadmill years ago for that fat blob of jello known as your wife the implication for losing weight was there...however, it's just collecting dust, and well...yeah, she's still working on her diabetes.
I've never bought a nordic track, my wife isn't fat, nor does she have diabetes. I do however make much more money than you, and am much more intelligent than you are. Inescapable truths that anger you to no end.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... So now we move to "I make much more money than you" You really must be stackn paper to the ceiling. You're a sad, sad, sensative little man. I hope your money buys you happiness. You really are fun to poke at because you get so defensive.
mo0sE wrote:jj, you're too sensitive for the internet
Let me tell you a few things about Alfie. And Mo0sE, JJ makes much more money than you. Don't upset him, who knows what else he may throw at your direction.
You're such a flake. You can't take jokes, and immediately fire back these half-assed rebuttals. I hope the internet allows you to be the "badass" that you think you are. Keep stackin' paper to the ceiling with your oil industry job or whatever your involvment with that is. I hope your bank account is as fat as your wife... Shit, if my wife was a fat slob, I too would have an e-crush on Stoner Angel. Dry your eyes, and pony up and get some pistols, quit acting like a faggot, and take a joke.
By the way sweet avatar, bro. "Natural born badass," I'm sure.
JesseJames're essentially attempting to rip me for doing the exact same things you do?
I laugh at them and make jokes, don't take anything serious. You however cry foul, and are a spiteful little man behind the computer. You're a bit too sensative to be a "Natural Born Badass." You come across as being vain, smug, arrogant high and mighty douchbag to be honest. Did you get bullied around in school, or go unnoticed? It would make sense when it comes to your demeanor.