I finally got done remodeling my music room and getting some stuff in it. It's certainly far more inviting as a creative space than the "autopsy room white" that it used to be. Got rid of the shitty light fixture and put some track lights in there for added ambiance.
New electronic drumset:
New bass rig:
Instruments and pedalboard:
It's good to be the Pfl?yd.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Yeah, I haven't dragged it back in from the garage though. A bunch of mixers, preamps, a recording interface, a pile of mics and stands, headphone amp and some other shit.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Hunter/Killer wrote:you know i don't even have a place for my shit anymore. since i had the kid, my amp is in the corner of my room and i play through headset.
This room really sealed the deal when I looked at this house. All the interior walls are about four inches from the outer wall, the cabinets on the one end are huge inside and make great isolation chambers for amps, the basement is completely underground except for the garage and, as a result, there is very little noise that gets outside. It was perfect.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
I really like the color but at the same tiem On 'dthin' think I"d write anything cgoodl with that color either' cua'se it's not soemtnhign that'd inspire me.
Veryp coorl equpiament.
e.townconcrete wrote:who is this guy? why is he black?
EvilisthenewGood wrote:Do some research Ben before you trash Kia.
[quote="Gnarkiller"]this is fucking ridiculous. I just ran my fingers up my choad and found some furry little friends to pick out. going to go wash my hands. there is my two fucking cents[/quote]
~101 From Hell~ wrote:is that the TD-20, or the TD-5?
Umm, it's neither. It's a Yamaha kit, not a Roland.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
croninburg wrote:Did you put your power amp on 10 for the picture?
I always run power amps wide open. A power amp is always running full regardless of where your attenuator is set anyway. I control the real volume at the preamp so the speakers are always getting enough power regardless of what the signal level is.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
I play through headset too, sold my head 2 years ago.
heavymetalsoldier666 wrote: The only way my problems will be straightened out concerning you is if I have you machine gunned to death and your body dismembered and thrown in a hole and you are never heard from again.
CFH Eternal wrote:How are avatar's? I use to think about getting one before I went with a Matamp.
What's your pedal setup?
I love the Avatars so far. the 2x12 especially since it really gets the low end out there but with a faster response than 15's. That's important for me.
My pedalboard is ever-changing depending on what I'm doing. Right now I'm using several Boss pedals--an acoustic simulator, phaser, bass flanger, Metal Zone and bass EQ--Electro-Harmonix Bass Microsynth and Q-tron+, A Carl-Martin Hot Drive n' Boost, DOD bass overdrive, and a Tonebone effects switching system to help me handle huge changes between two separate effects loops. In some situations I'm doing a lot of tap-dancing. After all that a BBE direct box runs the effects signal into the 2x10 channel of my power amp and there is a clean signal that runs to the 2x12 channel so I have a nice mix.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Pfl?yd wrote:I finally got done remodeling my music room and getting some stuff in it. It's certainly far more inviting as a creative space than the "autopsy room white" that it used to be. Got rid of the shitty light fixture and put some track lights in there for added ambiance.
I suppose I could put up some posters of dudes playing handegg to make it more "manly".
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Pfl?yd wrote:I suppose I could put up some posters of dudes playing handegg to make it more "manly".
you coulod just replace it with free weights and actually watch ther superbowl instead of going shopping like you like you do instead"since the stores arent busy then". Then it would probably be more masculine
Pfl?yd wrote:I suppose I could put up some posters of dudes playing handegg to make it more "manly".
you coulod just replace it with free weights and actually watch ther superbowl instead of going shopping like you like you do instead"since the stores arent busy then". Then it would probably be more masculine
That's why I have a double-deep garage.
And I don't like sitting around on my ass watching other people move and living vicariously through them. I'd rather go outside and go hiking, ride my bike, or other such things myself.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Hunter/Killer wrote:you know i don't even have a place for my shit anymore. since i had the kid, my amp is in the corner of my room and i play through headset.
Pfl?yd wrote:I suppose I could put up some posters of dudes playing handegg to make it more "manly".
you coulod just replace it with free weights and actually watch ther superbowl instead of going shopping like you like you do instead"since the stores arent busy then". Then it would probably be more masculine
That's why I have a double-deep garage.
And I don't like sitting around on my ass watching other people move and living vicariously through them. I'd rather go outside and go hiking, ride my bike, or other such things Like touching myself.
I've been wanting to try some of their generic effects like compressors and stuff since they're cheaper than boss and other 'retail store' brands at my local store but I've heard mixed reviews about them.
Pfl?yd wrote:I suppose I could put up some posters of dudes playing handegg to make it more "manly".
you coulod just replace it with free weights and actually watch ther superbowl instead of going shopping like you like you do instead"since the stores arent busy then". Then it would probably be more masculine
That's why I have a double-deep garage.
And I don't like sitting around on my ass watching other people move and living vicariously through them. I'd rather go outside and go hiking, ride my bike, or other such things Like touching myself.
Don't be envious that all your hard work will be draining into a fuck-trophy instead of into things you love and enjoy.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
I've been wanting to try some of their generic effects like compressors and stuff since they're cheaper than boss and other 'retail store' brands at my local store but I've heard mixed reviews about them.
You won't find them now. Digitech bought out DOD and now they are the ones who release the old DOD pedals under their name. Personally, the DOD/Digitech pedals aren't all that awesome; I generally find one specific use for them and that's about it.
If you want to try out a bunch of stuff for cheap, I'd suggest one of those Zoom multieffects pedals. They aren't built to take a beating or anything, but they sound just fine and you can always upgrade to a Boss (or even Electro-Harmonix) for the effects you really like.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
The Boss GT series (i think that's what their multi effects are called) are really good. I have a Korg AX1500g that is decent, but the Boss pedals are basically indestructible. The amp modeling and distortion on those things normally suck though.
croninburg wrote:The Boss GT series (i think that's what their multi effects are called) are really good. I have a Korg AX1500g that is decent, but the Boss pedals are basically indestructible. The amp modeling and distortion on those things normally suck though.
If you look closely, you can see the upper corner of my Boss GT-6B. Highly recommended.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
It's a much more creativity-inspiring room now. It's a pretty decent size, about half of my basement. For a four-piece band recording simultaneously it's pretty much perfect.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
I've been wanting to try some of their generic effects like compressors and stuff since they're cheaper than boss and other 'retail store' brands at my local store but I've heard mixed reviews about them.
You won't find them now. Digitech bought out DOD and now they are the ones who release the old DOD pedals under their name. Personally, the DOD/Digitech pedals aren't all that awesome; I generally find one specific use for them and that's about it.
If you want to try out a bunch of stuff for cheap, I'd suggest one of those Zoom multieffects pedals. They aren't built to take a beating or anything, but they sound just fine and you can always upgrade to a Boss (or even Electro-Harmonix) for the effects you really like.
thanks for the heads up man.
yea I'm in fucking love with EHX pedals, I own a deluxe memory man and thought it doesn't have as many functions as the digital delays i wouldn't trade it for anything else
UNGODLIKE wrote:i'm sorry, but i can't stand the color of your room. did you actually take the time to paint it that way? yuck! reeks of the 1980s
Uh, ok.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
UNGODLIKE wrote:Pfl?yd, you are completely homosexual and i am comfortable w/that.
Even though you're cool with it I'll just continue to chase pussy and live in denial.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war