help me solve this complex mystery
help me solve this complex mystery
howcome some guitars have tight strings and some have loose? i know it's not just string guage. is it board length? bridge distance from neck? like..if you grab most strats or telecasters...strings way up on the fret board are still wiggly can be bent easy. but if you grab a lot of ibanezes or something...they're all tight and can't be bent. and it can't be how tight you wind em up cuz then they'd be tuned higher or lower. i know this is all kiddy stuff to you virtuosos, but i don't get it cuz i'm retarded. someone please teach me. i guess my question is: how come if you tune strings to standard E on different guitars...they bend easier on some guitars in the 12+ frets?
It's pretty much the mathematics between string gauge and scale-length between the nut and bridge. If the gauge is heavier than some factor of the scale length (can't remember the actual number off the top of my head), the tightness increases. Of course, the tuning you use plays a part in it as well; lower tunings make the strings more slack, obviously.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war