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Gimme some info

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:35 pm
by SuicideNote
I just rented a practice facility for my band. We are sharing the place with 1 other band. My question is, should I get insurance for all of the band or just my gear? I will put a rider on my home owners policy, but if my band mates get something ripped off I don't want them bitching to me if they get a guitar stolen. I'm not going to put a claim in for a $500 guitar if my deductible is $500.

I trust these guys and I've known them for years, I just don't want to get the shaft.

Oh and if it matters, I'll be keeping about $3000 worth of my gear at this facility.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:08 pm
by The Hilter'D Crime
id say watch your own ass.. or pay for everything and get your band members 2 pay for drugs/booze