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Aedryan Methyus

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:11 pm
by soulburn
So, my old band is looking auditioning for my replacement, and they come across this guy who calls himself Aedryan Methyus. He's half-musician, half-magician, all douchebag. After turning him down, he blows up the band's myspace with weird "why don't you want me?" comments. Check the band's myspace blog for a complete posting of their correspondance with this dude, and also check out to see for yourself just how much of a joke he is.

Here's a sample:

Wow.... Your shining example of true professionalism has once again bewildered me! It should take you far!

Once again, you have me figured entirely wrong, friend. However, you are absolutely correct in saying I am full of myself. You would be too if you were even close to having as extensive of a list of credentials and accomplishments as I do in the entertainment business. I have entertained audiences of THOUSANDS world wide for some of the largest and most prestigious corporations and organizations in the United States. They hire me back year after year and they pay me a ridiculous amount of money to do so. Do you know I already have a $10,000.00 engagement booked on the island of Barbados in November this year? What will you be doing on November 3rd, friend? Playing shitty hardcore at an all ages event with 8 other shitty hardcore bands for beer money (if you're lucky)? Do I perform at assisted living homes and children's birthday parties too? You betcha! I make more money doing those alone than you've ever even dreamed of making in your little hardcore band!

In regards to my "mediocre magic", I own mega illusions that are worth more than your life, I have gorgeous half naked dancers at my feet and awe stricken audiences leaving my performances. Do you know how many crewmembers it requires to run some of my shows? Twelve! Who do you suspect does all of the correography, scripting and organizing that it takes to pull off a stage production of that caliber? That's right.... Yours truely!

Further, my magic has appeared on 8 television networks, I have received hella media attention in newspaper articles and news broadcasts and I have been mentioned in numerous books and other publications everywhere (for my accomplishments in magic and paranormal investigation both). So, jack of all trades? Possibly.... Ace of none? Can't give ya that one.... You can rest assured that I am the best (or AT LEAST one of the best) at everything I do.

So, what about my past shortcomings in the music industry? I blame it on other unprofessional, visionless, lazy, slob musicians in the butthole of the world, known as Erie, PA and they're everywhere, apparently >8>). And by the way, I am not moving to Pittsburgh for the music scene itself. I am moving there, because there are A LOT of good metal musicians. Just because i'll be living there, doesn't mean i'll have to work there, but clearly that concept is beyond the scope of your little box, so I won't bother to try and elaborate.

On a final note.... You may stop flattering yourself, by boasting that I was "dying to play" in your run of the mill hardcore band. In all honesty, it would have cramped my style. The band's image as a whole is scurvy and personally, I can't even stand the name - "Brothers In Arms"! The fact is, I simply wanted a little common courtesy, respect and proffesionalism, after having taken the time to offer help to you.

A word of advice for you.... You really should start being more careful what you are saying and to whom. You never know who you could be talking to or what they could do for you..... Have a great day!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:10 pm
by Dimejandro
sounds like a nut job to me, just get a couple friends and beat his ass or just scare him.