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Mesa Double Rectifier

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:52 pm
by 5axisOfEvil
Any of you shred maniacs own a Mesa dual or triple rectifier? I am trying to decide between a dual rec 1/2 stack or a B52 head and a recto cab.

Re: Mesa Double Rectifier

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:50 pm
by soulburn
5axisOfEvil wrote:Any of you shred maniacs own a Mesa dual or triple rectifier? I am trying to decide between a dual rec 1/2 stack or a B52 head and a recto cab.
i'm a proud owner of a trip rec, and i say, if you've got the funds...go for the dual or rec. a lot of people dismiss the mesa dual and trip as a "one trick pony", and in a is. but as far as supreme distortion goes, nothing makes you shit your dick like a mesa.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:07 pm
by 5axisOfEvil
Thanks fella. Ive played thru the dual. I was amazed at how well it sounded at even low volumes. I think I will make hints to the wife.. xmas is coming! :|):