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Taking up singing

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:01 am
by Lando Griffin
Alright, so I'm in a band, and we auditioned 4 singers before finally settling on this one dude. We're a metal band but not really anything too heavy, and this guy listens to tool/apc/smashing pumpkins so we thought maybe it'll be cool to have a different take on what we were looking for in a singer, which could make a pretty interesting sound. Long story short, experiment failed, and in terms of talent and singing in tune, this dude wasn't as good as we thought originally. So we decided to do something different with the vocals, and we were talking about having someone from within the band become the vocalist temporarily until we find a fulltime singer, or basically "the man". We feel this is the best way to run things, because we can have vocals and lyrics written and just add the vocalist and have him jump right in, instead of having a rotating door of singers and then when they leave, they take their vocal parts with them and we're back at square one.

Anyways, yeah sorry to give you all that info, but I was thinking of trying out singing. I know I can hit pitches at least, but projecting my voice, having a good timbre, and not losing my voice are all weaknesses cause I'm not trained at all, I just sang in some of my music classes. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips and techniques I can practice, or if they know of any good internet sources or books they can direct me too. I would greatly appreciate it! :)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 1:05 am
by Guest
i had this same problem once.

i decided to stick to a nice easy death metal growl.

works charmingly with fusion jazz. no lie. :tup:

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 10:31 am
by Pfl?yd
I've pondered this myself. Unfortunately my vocal range is fairly low, which doesn't jive too well for what I like to do.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:02 am
by SuicideNote
It'll be a year before you are conditioned enough to sing a 2 hour show. It depends on if you are going to scream. If you are going to scream, then fuck it don't read on.

Hey... if you are reading this you actually want to sing. THE FIRST thing to do is to learn to breathe using your diaphragm. You'll need it for breath support. Your shoulders shouldn’t move up toward your ears at all when you take a breath. When you inhale, take a slow deep breath and feel your abdominals first move down and then your ribcage begins to expand. Also, don't take in 100% of the capacity of your lungs, you will be stuffed and won't be able to support all of that air. Stay at about 85%, if you can figure out what that feels like. This is a proper breath. When you see Phil gasping for air, that is poor technique, whatever.

Exercise #1 from suicidenote is to lay on the floor with your back flat on the ground, place a moderately heavy text book on your stomach. Breathe. The book should be forcing you to concentrate on what it feels like to take a full breath. You may feel your abs pushing outward as guess what you haven't been breathing properly since you were about 1 year old. Fight that urge to press with your abs and let your diaphragm expand and draw in the air. Exercise if fun.

Exercise #2 from me. Now that you have taken a full breath you'll want to exhale all of that fucking air. Rip off a 2 inch by 2 inch piece of paper from your favorite titty mag or notebook. Stand the fuck up and stand near a wall with your face about 12 inches from the wall. Stick that little fucking piece of paper up on the wall and inhale and while you exhale blow on the paper while removing your hand to only keep the paper in place with your airflow. Fucking hard huh? How long were you able to do it, 4 seconds? Now think about those long ass Bruce Dickinson type notes, holy shit! The trick to this is to only blow enough air out to keep the paper in place, this teaches you to control your breath, fucking cool huh?

As you get near the end of your breath, you'll feel your upper abs begin to push on your diaphragm to get the air out. You should get used to this feeling because its good technique and proper breath support. When sounding notes, you’ll need this pressure to get good consistent tone.

When I hear people screaming and straining their voices I think what a waste of talent. If you are going to do something, do it right and work hard at it, it pays off, especially with vocal training. I am a shitty singer by default but with a fucking huge amount of work, I am satisfied with where I'm at now.

If you get as far as the paper exercise, post here and I'll give you some more things to work on.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:34 am
by Brandon
that is very helpful and cool!

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:37 am
by 'Sblood
for real. did you goto school for that or something? post more.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:43 am
by croninburg
'Sblood wrote:post more

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:28 pm
by SuicideNote
I went to college to learn about computers. My wife was a music major and taught me much about music theory. I played in a band and took vocal lessons from a private instructor.

Ask some specific questions if you wish, I'm not really up for writing a white paper on breath support.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:52 pm
by Lando Griffin
SuicideNote wrote:It'll be a year before you are conditioned enough to sing a 2 hour show. It depends on if you are going to scream. If you are going to scream, then fuck it don't read on.

Hey... if you are reading this you actually want to sing. THE FIRST thing to do is to learn to breathe using your diaphragm. You'll need it for breath support. Your shoulders shouldn’t move up toward your ears at all when you take a breath. When you inhale, take a slow deep breath and feel your abdominals first move down and then your ribcage begins to expand. Also, don't take in 100% of the capacity of your lungs, you will be stuffed and won't be able to support all of that air. Stay at about 85%, if you can figure out what that feels like. This is a proper breath. When you see Phil gasping for air, that is poor technique, whatever.

Exercise #1 from suicidenote is to lay on the floor with your back flat on the ground, place a moderately heavy text book on your stomach. Breathe. The book should be forcing you to concentrate on what it feels like to take a full breath. You may feel your abs pushing outward as guess what you haven't been breathing properly since you were about 1 year old. Fight that urge to press with your abs and let your diaphragm expand and draw in the air. Exercise if fun.

Exercise #2 from me. Now that you have taken a full breath you'll want to exhale all of that fucking air. Rip off a 2 inch by 2 inch piece of paper from your favorite titty mag or notebook. Stand the fuck up and stand near a wall with your face about 12 inches from the wall. Stick that little fucking piece of paper up on the wall and inhale and while you exhale blow on the paper while removing your hand to only keep the paper in place with your airflow. Fucking hard huh? How long were you able to do it, 4 seconds? Now think about those long ass Bruce Dickinson type notes, holy shit! The trick to this is to only blow enough air out to keep the paper in place, this teaches you to control your breath, fucking cool huh?

As you get near the end of your breath, you'll feel your upper abs begin to push on your diaphragm to get the air out. You should get used to this feeling because its good technique and proper breath support. When sounding notes, you’ll need this pressure to get good consistent tone.

When I hear people screaming and straining their voices I think what a waste of talent. If you are going to do something, do it right and work hard at it, it pays off, especially with vocal training. I am a shitty singer by default but with a fucking huge amount of work, I am satisfied with where I'm at now.

If you get as far as the paper exercise, post here and I'll give you some more things to work on.
Awesome dude. I actually also play saxophone and I was taught the same thing, breathe and support air through your diapragm and keep your shoulders relaxed, and I understand how important it is to singing too. I've done the paper trick a few times but not that often, and I usually substitute it with long tones (basically, hold out a note as long as you can while supporting the air, and looking at a tuner to make sure the pitch doesn't drop at all...if it does, you fail!). I just did the paper trick just now and got about 15 seconds, so I don't really know how good that is cause I don't do this that often. I'll definitely try to keep this up too, but I think I also have to just practing singing in general. Screamings not out of the question but I would rather do that later than sooner so I don't blow my voice out or anything. Thanks too, by the way :tup:

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:21 am
by SuicideNote
#3, Exercise for the day. ZZZZZZZs.

Say the word buzz. Now say it again without the bu part. ZZZZZ. Good, you're a pro. I was going to have you record something to buzz along to but I remembered that I had this warm-up mp3 that I made years ago with me at work. I just added some compression to make it sound better so hey, you'll have a better tool than I do.

Download this:

While applying all of the skills that I talked about earlier, buzz along to the scale exercise mp3. Note. You don't need to sing the first note of each new step, I sound it to let you know what pitch to start on.

As you buzz, you should feel your lips and front of your mouth vibrate like mad, as pressure has built up here from your strong breath support. You want each buzz to sound the same as the previous note as you climb the scale. If you can develop consistency while buzzing this scale, you will have no problems later on singing real notes.

If you are wondering why we buzz, we do it to let us know how smooth our airflow actually is. If you sing real notes you can cheat by altering your throat, but by buzzing, you are forced to use your ...... diaphragm. Smoothness and consistency is what we want here. Practice up.

This is a great warm up exercise too. I do this almost every time I drive to rehearsal in the car. People look at me like I'm retarded but fuck them; I bet they have shitty breath support.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:46 pm
by Treggator
How do you do that crazy growling/low-end stuff?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:05 pm
by Roz
Treggator wrote:How do you do that crazy growling/low-end stuff?
i think SuicideNote already said, he's only addressing singing here. growling, you are on your own.