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Live Set-up

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:40 pm
by 7Dime7MetalMassacre
I am starting a band and i want to play live but i need some help with my live setup..

I have a Randall RG200 amp i was wanting to use for distortion but the clean channel sucks... i know i could run a chorus pedal to spice it up but i dont want to have to switch to clean channel and switch off my distortion effects then swithch my chorus on during a live performance just to have a good clean tone.....

I have been thinking about using one of the converters that lets you use 2 amplifiers...i have a Marshall MG100 halfstack that would sound pretty good with a chorus pedal on some clean passages

I was just wondering if using the converter to just switch between the two amps would be the way to go or if some of you guys have a better way to set up a rig for live performances

Thx for the help

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:22 pm
by SuicideNote
Well if you use 2 different amp combinations you'll have to mic each cabinent and mix them properly to even out the volume levels when you switch rigs. You could also just switch the amp heads and use the same cabinent. Either way I'm pretty sure this is more of a "Pro" setup. Most local bands don't have the funds or stage space available to run such a setup. I'd be interested to see pictures once you get it all worked out.

It's a cool idea although I've never played with any band that did this.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:24 pm
by SuicideNote ... 8?v=glance

I'm not sure, is this what you're looking for?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:36 pm
by 7Dime7MetalMassacre
Hmm hold on a sec. let me see if i can find the one i was looking at....I was wondering if you any of you play live and if you could give me an idea of how to set up your distortion and clean channels so you can have a smooth switch without much delay or button pressing

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:04 pm
by Ben
get a better amp.

the other guy is right; for the most part, using two different amp setups is impractical for less-than-pro players. also, you've got two cheap ass amps. sell them both and just buy a good head. as I said in the other head, the rh100 is the only solid state worth playing. it's cheap as hell and you'd never think it, but it sounds really fucking good if you know how to actually eq an amplifier.

conversely, you could sell both heads, save a bit, and get a used 5150 or XXX, which both sound good :tup: