In some shots of that the resemblence of Hollis in the face is uncanny
[quote="trendkiller"]I could lie and say I was downloading a crack for a game or it was a random virus but no, I was trying to watch a horse have sex with a woman.[/quote]
[quote="Neon Doll"]if u wasnt a virgin, you knoe hoe yo sndewrt yhid[/quote]
Lando Griffin wrote:My bands playing our first show next friday. It started off that we were supposed to open up for our friends band, but there's a possibility that they can't play that date now, and it also turns out this awesome signed funk band is playing the same date as us too, so now we're essentially opening up for them, so it should be interesting
We added our vocalist two or three weeks ago and he still doesn't have fucking vocals yet either, so we may actually cancel the gig if he doesn't have anything by tuesday
today's the moment of truth
and a question for it alot to ask for a drummer to learn 4 songs in a month and a half?
Lando Griffin wrote:My bands playing our first show next friday. It started off that we were supposed to open up for our friends band, but there's a possibility that they can't play that date now, and it also turns out this awesome signed funk band is playing the same date as us too, so now we're essentially opening up for them, so it should be interesting
We added our vocalist two or three weeks ago and he still doesn't have fucking vocals yet either, so we may actually cancel the gig if he doesn't have anything by tuesday
today's the moment of truth
and a question for it alot to ask for a drummer to learn 4 songs in a month and a half?
Have you met some drummers? It is.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
When I was in my first band, I never paid attention to how the drum figures would line up with the riffs I played, cause I was 15 and didn't have alot of experience, and didn't really know what to look for in a drummer, or much about drumming in general. We brought our band into the studio and the producer pointed out how nothing really lined up/how the drums needed to accent some shit I was playing, etc., so he got behind the kit and showed us how it was done. So now I'm taking more time in rehersal to make sure that doesn't really happen again, but this drummer we have now is doing pretty good with that.
It's just frustrating cause I've written out our songs in MIDI on cakewalk, with drum tracks as a guideline (many of which are being used in the real songs), we've recorded the riffs and sent it to him, and we practiced alot but he misses transitions between the verse/chorus, plays the "half time" part where we would be at the normal tempo...just things like that. Yesterday he finally put it together where we could play the songs in their entirety and it sounds cohesive, but there are still sections that need to be tightened up. But yeah, I guess it SHOULD take much longer to get everything together since he's not playing "kick snare kick snare, 1 2 3 4!" like in my last band.
Listening now. Pretty cool stuff man. Is this all computer recorded?
Yeah man
and PLEASE forgive the sloppiness, particularly on the triplet/2step part. I was tired and just trying to get the demo of it together, haha.
it's just me playing with drums I programmed using Leaf Drums. I played through my DOD Grunge pedal through my old as fuck Peavey Bandit 65 and recorded with Cool Edit using my 3 dollar radio shack mic.
haha I need to get a better recording setup. oh well. main point was just to get the ideas out for the drummer to learn the structure.
currently working on recording a demo for my band Rembrandt Profile! It's instrumental jazz/DM and stuff haha, but it's turning out great. I really enjoyed writing these tracks. I'm gonna be laying them down this week though.
Pickled fetus worshipped
Divine Mongoloid
Was fucked in Effigy
Listening now. Pretty cool stuff man. Is this all computer recorded?
Yeah man
and PLEASE forgive the sloppiness, particularly on the triplet/2step part. I was tired and just trying to get the demo of it together, haha.
it's just me playing with drums I programmed using Leaf Drums. I played through my DOD Grunge pedal through my old as fuck Peavey Bandit 65 and recorded with Cool Edit using my 3 dollar radio shack mic.
haha I need to get a better recording setup. oh well. main point was just to get the ideas out for the drummer to learn the structure.
I didn't even notice, haha. You should send leaf drums to me, they sound pretty good
Listening now. Pretty cool stuff man. Is this all computer recorded?
Yeah man
and PLEASE forgive the sloppiness, particularly on the triplet/2step part. I was tired and just trying to get the demo of it together, haha.
it's just me playing with drums I programmed using Leaf Drums. I played through my DOD Grunge pedal through my old as fuck Peavey Bandit 65 and recorded with Cool Edit using my 3 dollar radio shack mic.
haha I need to get a better recording setup. oh well. main point was just to get the ideas out for the drummer to learn the structure.
I didn't even notice, haha. You should send leaf drums to me, they sound pretty good
Leafdrums is the sequencer, you get your own samples to load into it.
"What'chu doin in mah house?...........eating a big ass Sandwich n shit?"
So we had our first show today at this place in the student union. Mother fucking sound guy didn't know what he was doing so our first song got kind of fucked....the vocals in the monitors were so loud that I couldn't hear anyone else in the band, and neither could anyone else so it just fell apart. For the whole show he had the mics in front of guitar amps but didn't put them through to PA, so people on my side were like "yeah you sounded pretty good dude!!!" and people on the right side were like "dude, you gotta turn up!!!!"
We were supposed to have a 9:15 sound check and start our show at 10:15, but this band that was going on after us had all their shit set up, including this crazy keyboard set up, plus we had to set up an entirely different drum set (our drummer needed more mounted toms), so we didn't soundcheck till 10:00 so everything got kind of fucked. After the first song, things went pretty well though. But shiiiit haha, we spent so much time towards this, sucks the first impression was fucked up.
If you want an honest opinion, I think the keyboards are too prominant in the mix. Keys, especially organ sounds, are real obnoxious frequencies so they don't need to be pushed forward. I don't know how much loss you got from a rough mix to a myspace site, but the drums sound kind of flaccid and the vocals don't pop out enough for you to hear the enunciation.
I'm not going to critique the music itself because it's well-documented that it's not my thing, but production-wise, I'd be whipping that mixing engineer good.
Izzy: do you realize how broad "environmental science" is?
Izzy: it's like going to school for history
Izzy: well, more useful than that
Izzy: but an expert on the civil war won't know jackshit on uhh
Izzy: something that isnt the civil war
man, fuck fucking ireland. all that shit's annoying. and who's the fuck singing with the fake pussy accent. i couldn't hate that crap or your band more. your from fucking Illinois, Trevor. no one cares about your great grandad on your mom's side moving here when he was 4.
Pflöyd wrote:If you want an honest opinion, I think the keyboards are too prominant in the mix. Keys, especially organ sounds, are real obnoxious frequencies so they don't need to be pushed forward. I don't know how much loss you got from a rough mix to a myspace site, but the drums sound kind of flaccid and the vocals don't pop out enough for you to hear the enunciation.
I'm not going to critique the music itself because it's well-documented that it's not my thing, but production-wise, I'd be whipping that mixing engineer good.
thanks a bunch, ill have to talk to our guy about fixing that, thats the one nice thing about multitrack recording, you can alsways retrace your steps back to the fuckup
AfterTheKyle: because i am a full gascan and youre a retard with a sparkler
stoic wrote:man, fuck fucking ireland. all that shit's annoying. and who's the fuck singing with the fake pussy accent. i couldn't hate that crap or your band more. your from fucking Illinois, Trevor. no one cares about your great grandad on your mom's side moving here when he was 4.
[quote="Bodom J (2)"]Amadeus is a good film [/quote]
abyssspecter wrote:Im working on alot of Damageplan stuff, plus my bands shit. Cant wait to hit the studio!
I can. I bet you suck.
[quote="heavymetalsoldier666"]Also the only log touching I do is when I touch my own while thinking of hot chicks on this board.[/quote]
[quote="heavymetalsoldier666"] dead forever remove your avatar now.[/quote]
abyssspecter wrote:Im working on alot of Damageplan stuff, plus my bands shit. Cant wait to hit the studio!
I can. I bet you suck.
I would like to hear a band that didn't shit.
[quote="trendkiller"]I could lie and say I was downloading a crack for a game or it was a random virus but no, I was trying to watch a horse have sex with a woman.[/quote]
[quote="Neon Doll"]if u wasnt a virgin, you knoe hoe yo sndewrt yhid[/quote]
i love how dead forever talks about other people's bands and musical abilities when his band is really awful and hes average on the guitar. I mean anybody can give musical criticism, even laypeople who play no instrument. yet df finds comfort in bitching about other shit without being constructive.
Bodom J wrote:I wish I was even a quarter as good looking as dbs.
DBS wrote:i love how dead forever talks about other people's bands and musical abilities when his band is really awful and hes average on the guitar. I mean anybody can give musical criticism, even laypeople who play no instrument. yet df finds comfort in bitching about other shit without being constructive.
Good times
[quote="trendkiller"]I could lie and say I was downloading a crack for a game or it was a random virus but no, I was trying to watch a horse have sex with a woman.[/quote]
[quote="Neon Doll"]if u wasnt a virgin, you knoe hoe yo sndewrt yhid[/quote]
DBS wrote:i love how dead forever talks about other people's bands and musical abilities when his band is really awful and hes average on the guitar. I mean anybody can give musical criticism, even laypeople who play no instrument. yet df finds comfort in bitching about other shit without being constructive.
Good times
[quote="Edna Bodine"][quote="Richard The Duke"]What do you do when you take a monster shit and you realize that there is no toilet paper in the bathroom??[/quote]
Not bad. I think Catharsis is the best one. Kind of reminds me of Master of Puppets-era Metallica. Try elaborating on ideas like that more and thinking of different ways to incorporate that sound so you don't get locked into anything. I hope that made sense.
warhead dime wrote:Not bad. I think Catharsis is the best one. Kind of reminds me of Master of Puppets-era Metallica. Try elaborating on ideas like that more and thinking of different ways to incorporate that sound so you don't get locked into anything. I hope that made sense.
Eyemaster wrote:We're preparing to play a ~30 min set about 200km from our town, we'll be playing:
The slay is on
Use my 666th arm (that's the title for now )
Hellbound (Pantera)
I'm broken (Pantera)
and if we'll be enough drunk,
Cat scratch fever \m/
Are you doing half of your set with covers?
Doing pantera covers is cool... but stuff like Nugent, old Van Halen, or maybe some harder, less played out Judas Priest covers are what gets the crowd going.
DBS wrote:i love how dead forever talks about other people's bands and musical abilities when his band is really awful and hes average on the guitar. I mean anybody can give musical criticism, even laypeople who play no instrument. yet df finds comfort in bitching about other shit without being constructive.
warhead dime wrote:Not bad. I think Catharsis is the best one. Kind of reminds me of Master of Puppets-era Metallica. Try elaborating on ideas like that more and thinking of different ways to incorporate that sound so you don't get locked into anything. I hope that made sense.
I still hate the fact you're 16 and absolutely rip shit up
Thanks dude. I don't really play that much technical stuff on my website or in my band's songs on our space. I never really do unless it fits I guess. I'm not obsessed with playing fast 100% of the time like a lot of guitarists.
Basically focusing on becoming a better songwriter. Yet, honestly I am not writing as many metal riffs or liste as much anymore, more so 70' rock riffs. I think my tastes or completley changing
[quote="Cheyenne Fucking Buffet"]This one's called Enter Sandman, maybe you've heard of it."[/quote]