thrash against cancer gig in SF tonight. testament healines

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Lynch Mob
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thrash against cancer gig in SF tonight. testament healines

Post by Kellan »

whos gonna go?
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Iron Princess
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Post by Iron Princess »

I wanted to see Testament, but weren't the tickets like $45.00 dollars? You should post a review if you went.
Lynch Mob
Posts: 6145
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:08 pm

Post by Kellan »

tickets said 40 at the door, and i got there at around 4pm and the tickets were only 30. so that was cool.

basically, how it went was there was a bunch of thrash bands playing obviously. i had already missed some. when one was done outside they had another one play inside immediately after that.
they had some sort of raffle/giveaway shit going on so that was pretty cool i guess. some guy got a guitar from some company i forget, not a well known one. but it was neck through, floyd rose, flying V style; i would've taken it.

anyway, some of my favorite acts were agent steel, hirax, neil turbin and laaz rockit.
the sound guys absolutely fucking sucked. i hate to say it but i left during testament at 12am because:
a) i had a two+ hour drive home
b) i was getting crushed (i was at the barricade)
c) they weren't playing any new shit
d) the sound absolutely fucking sucked. but it wasn't their fault.

i don't get it. some bands would have awesome sound and others had shit sound. the sound guy's were terrible.
neil turbins vocals kept cutting out/not working period, and his rythym guitarist didn't have any sound either.
dreams of damnation played and jim durkin didn't have any PA either.
one of hirax's guitarists didn't have any sound BECAUSE THE MOTHERFUCKERS DID'T EVEN PUT A MIC IN FRONT OF HIS CABS.
i mean fuck. there were two sets of cabs there, and he didn't have a mic in front of his.
get your fucking shit together.
same fucking thing happened during testament too. skolnick didn't have a mic on his cabs, and i was on the right side of the stage and he was on the left; so you couldn't hear a god damned thing from him.

i don't know if eric was miced or not because it didn't appear that he had a mic in front of his cabs, but he was fucking ungodly loud. but i don't think he was miced because his sound was terrible. he had a triple rectifier and i think he was just blasting the piss out of it. so yeah it was loud but sounded like shit.
you coulnd't hear ANY of chuck's vocals.
so over all, testament had a depressing performance and it wasn't their fault.
but i had a good time anyway.
hopefully that place fired their sound guy(s) afterwards.
it was fucking ridiculous.
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