Tallahassee, FL
Sludge fans unite! this concert was massive. not in crowd size by any means, lol! but it was in fact massive - a massive wall of sound. I was wearing ear plugs because I know what these bands are all about and I still feel like I went partially deaf from these two bands:
first up was Dark Castle, a quaint two piece sludge / drone / doom metal band from st Augustine, FL. despite only consisting of a drummer and a guitarist, that is, in reality all this band needed. a 2nd guitarist would have been pointless as well as a bassist as it would have just drowned out the rest of the band. a female vocalist, but she used death growls as her tool as well as a massive, crushing guitar tone that you could feel traverse throughout your body as they played. the drummer played a modest kit, with 2 bass drums though one was turned so that he could hit it with his sticks rather than a peddle. no triggers here, just hard as fuck drumming.
next was Zoroaster, a 3 piece Sludge / Doom band from Atlanta, GA, featuring a drummer who delved into some keyboard parts during parts of the set, and a guitarist and bassist who shared vocal duty while playing through as many amps as they could fit on the stage. additionally the band brought a nice little light show with them that added to the music greatly even though they could have done without it and still been amazing. once again, the sound was so massive that after the show I felt like my body was still vibrating. here's some pics.
Dark Castle:


fuck if I know.