Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

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Post by walking_ash »

Bad Muthafucker wrote:
walking_ash wrote:You never "read" anything about them working things out or talking, you made it up...
walking_ash wrote:....you made up some bullshit about reading it, yet, of all the long-time fans on this board, you seem to be the only one privy to this information.
walking_ash wrote:A) You never read it...
Hit Parader Magazine. October, 2006 issue. Top right corner of the page with Dimebag on it.
You affirmed it right there, jackass. You can red herring this shit all day, the fact remains; you're a pathetic fanboy who wasted an entire thread on a girlish wish.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

The fact remains that for two years, mid-carder, I have done what you did not want me to do. You have typed alot about that, and that is pretty much all you have done. You've also made alot of false accusations and, once they have been PROVEN WRONG BY ALFIE HIMSELF, you jackass, you've continued to make an ass out of yourself by just having to get that last word in like the commanding officer taught you to! And here I am, two years later, alive and well, laughing, still doing what I want, when I want. You have done nothing but type. You WILL DO nothing but type. Until you want to meet face to face, keep typing. When you finally decide that you are man enough, boy, then list your name and address. Until then...

Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by walking_ash »

You're still the same bitch you were two years ago, too. Same red herring tactics and avoidance of facts every time I make a point. Like I keep telling your dumb ass, they ain't worked anything out or talked since the split, like you quoted. Two years since you started this gossip thread and nothing's changed between them. Thread obsolete.

And so fucking what if I was wrong about you being from canada. I can't help that not only is your profile adorned with "PD", but every time time you two come out of hiatus it's within days of each other. Based on your excitement it's the only time you've achieved anything, so I'm happy to concede.

On a lighter note, why even bother making internet threats when your pathetic ass doesn't have the balls to drive a few hours up 81 to Fort Drum, NY? You're a pussy and a coward, so knock off the tough guy bullshit. And just to get that heart rate up and little more since I have that power over you; if you're anywhere near the man your father expected you to be then he has low fucking standards as a man himself. And yes, I made that assumption based on the way you act on this forum.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

Fort Drum? Oh, so I was right all along. You do actually live with the commanding officer as the role of his bitch! Right there on the military base? I'm really laughing my ass off now!

I don't avoid any facts. I just truly enjoy angering you. Your unhappiness makes me happy. Thread obsolete? Wow, way to stick it to me and win the argument there!
walking_ash wrote:...I was wrong....so I'm happy to concede.
'Bout mother fucking time. I knew you'd finally see things my way & quit making an ass out of yourself just to try to get the last word in like the bitch commanding officer trained you to, because that will absolutely NEVER happen until you have the balls to come here and commit cold-blooded murder, tough guy. Period.

You think I come to you? I don't fucking think so. You get my heart-rate up? I'm not the one who gets on here every single day since the day I registered & hits the 'refresh' button waiting for a reply. One need only check our memberships. I'm a member of this board alot longer than you, but how many posts do you have compared to mine?

As of the time of this post, my 144 posts compared to your 3,950 posts? And I'm a member of this board 1 year, 5 months, and 4 days longer than you!

You live for this shit, because that's about all the life you can get...aside from sucking the commanding officer's dick, and you know it. More importantly, so does everyone else because they can check & see that you're on here more than you're not on here. What a life!

So talking about pissing each other off, get it straight, pussy, you come to me, you two-bit fucking nobody. Any time you want to suck the commanding officer's dick to persuade him to drive you down 81 to Hazleton, PA, just name the time and date, and have a good Last Will & Testament made up & notarized. If you're anywhere near the woman that he expected you to be, then he doesn't even have standards. :lol:
Last edited by Bad Muthafucker on Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Edna Bodine »

bad muthafucker, you are the nastiest soiled anus to ever smear its filth upon this domain.
Robert Hollis wrote:Me fucking around with women cost me my college education and also one of the women I was involved for awhile ended up killing herself because she was so depressed
EvilisthenewGood wrote:I know how time zones work.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

Edna Bodine wrote:...you are the nastiest...
Fuckin' A!!! :tup:
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Post by Edna Bodine »

Bad Muthafucker wrote:
Edna Bodine wrote:...you are the nastiest...
Fuckin' A!!! :tup:
cum drips down your throat
Robert Hollis wrote:Me fucking around with women cost me my college education and also one of the women I was involved for awhile ended up killing herself because she was so depressed
EvilisthenewGood wrote:I know how time zones work.
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Post by walking_ash »

Let's observe the facts;

You only post here to whine to me, so you're losing sleep trying to figure out how to reply and how many emotes you can cram into each post to convince me you "don't care". I have successfully raised your heart rate to that of a casual jogger, and all you do is sit on your ass. That's a damn good achievement.

You asked where I live so you could show me what-for. I told you but you went in tangents about how I should now come to you. I assume you weren't expecting a reply, spawning from that weak bloodline of yours, so you should take something from this; threatening people over the internet then pulling out makes you look like a bitch. It's best just to not make empty threats.

"Commanding Officer" is an old book term that hasn't been used since Vietnam, movie boy, so you've made yourself look like an ass for the last 2 years. It's just "commander", but if you wish to be more specific you can say "Captain", Lieutenant, or "Platoon leader", depending on the mood you're in.

And I was a bit harsh, you're doing great things to live up to your daddy's legacy.
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Post by HoustonKJ »

One of you is Vinnie, one of you is Phil.
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I'm going to sodomize you.
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archive and then delete.
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Post by HoustonKJ »

Cock Lobster wrote:archive and then delete.
failed archive
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Post by walking_ash »

HoustonKJ wrote:One of you is Vinnie, one of you is Phil.
When will the war-of-words between us cool down?
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Post by Amy »

Hit Parader is still in publication?

LOL :lol:

LOL :lol:

I don't remember this thread.
[quote="Brandon"]another funny thing i noticed as i was cleaning out my car.... some chicks phone number... written on the back of a paper which on the front had my chalmydia prescription.[/quote]
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Post by HoustonKJ »

walking_ash wrote:
HoustonKJ wrote:One of you is Vinnie, one of you is Phil.
When will the war-of-words between us cool down?
I don't know. I guess never. I still don't understand why he calls you "mid-carter".

Also, people who have never been in the military have no right to judge those who have served. Most insults thrown at a serviceman are just out of jealousy, anyway.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

Still trying, huh? That's fine with me!

Now let's observe some real facts:

You accused me of lying; that I never read that magazine article and also that it never existed while I sat here while I sat here laughing at how wrong you were and how stupid you sounded for being so sure of yourself. You have been proven wrong about that. Ass.

You accused me of being PD while I sat here laughing at how wrong you were and how stupid you sounded for being so sure of yourself. You have been proven wrong about that and even admitted it. Ass.

You accused me of being from Canada and wasted lots of time insulting Canada while I sat here laughing at how wrong you were and how stupid you sounded for being so sure of yourself. You have been proven wrong about that and even admitted it. Ass.

The only time you have successfully raised my heart rate is by making me laugh at your stupidity and inferiority.

And another fact: you had 3950 posts yesterday. 3979 today. 29 posts in one day? That's a damn better achievement than I could ever do on this board. Who is pathetically losing sleep over this message board? Who keeps dodging the facts? You live for this board. Admit it. We all know it. Just admit it.

And again, what a life! Your gay father must be proud of what a pathetic internet addict his little spawn has become.

I don't back out of anything, bitch. I'm just reminding you of your station in life, you military fucking drone. You come to me, pussy. Period.

I am superior to you. That is also a fact. If I'm so far from the truth, then name the date & time you feel that you're man enough to come down here and prove me wrong. Again, just have a good Last Will & Testament drawn up and notarized.

And about the Commanding Officer bit, it obviously bothers you or you wouldn't have said anything. Now try to convince all of us that it doesn't just to try to be cool and act like nothing bothers you. It does. You know it. You wouldn't have said anything if it didn't. And now, I'm just gonna keep typing Commanding Officer from here on out, again, just because I know how unhappy it makes you. :D

So let's go, bitch. Keep typing. I hope you don't plan on getting the last one in though. As always, that will NEVER happen....that is, until you have the balls to come here and stop me. 2 years down. Let's fucking go for another 100. I'm game! :lol:
Last edited by Bad Muthafucker on Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

Whoa!!! That was pretty funny!
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Post by Edna Bodine »

Bad Muthafucker wrote:Whoa!!! That was pretty funny!
60 gallons of warm sperm
Robert Hollis wrote:Me fucking around with women cost me my college education and also one of the women I was involved for awhile ended up killing herself because she was so depressed
EvilisthenewGood wrote:I know how time zones work.
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Post by walking_ash »

HoustonKJ wrote:I still don't understand why he calls you "mid-carter".
A mid-carder is someone who doesn't bring in the big bucks at wrestling events like Smackdown. Not sure why it would be an insult to me, as it's not very probable this pud is making millions or anything close to a comfortable income doing low venue matches that don't even meet PG's standards.
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Post by walking_ash »

Bad Mothafucker wrote:When you finally decide that you are man enough, boy, then list your name and address.
Bad Muthafucker wrote: I don't back out of anything... I'm superior to you... name the date & time you feel that you're man enough to come down here and prove me wrong.
Ok, ya soft-knuckled pussy.

I like how takes you 40 paragraphs just to prove you're too cool for this board. A low post count doesn't matter when you're dropping novels every time you have something to whine about.

I have a good feeling you're not even old enough to drink yet.
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

And here I am, laughing (actually out loud) once again. I'd drink you under the table any day of the week, pussy. Keep in mind, I'm from Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. While that may not mean much for those who are not "in the know", just simply go online and do a bit of research about what the corelation between Schuylkill County, PA and alcohol consumption is and you will understand why, once again, I laugh at you.
A low post count doesn't matter when you're dropping novels every time you have something to whine about.
It sure does, bitch. I take 5 minutes to type 1 post, and leave here. You're on here every day for what, an hour, two hours at a time? Posting one five-minute post doesn't even compare to posting 29 one-minute posts. Dumb ass. There you go, making an ass out of yourself again by trying to get the last word in. :|):
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Post by walking_ash »

Are you trying to impress me with your white trash county's alcoholic reputation? You had had about as much to do with that as every white kid born in Compton has to do with hiphop and street violence. Think it through a little better next time, jackass.

Why would it take you 5 minutes to type one post? Are you fucking retarded?
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Post by Muffin »

Edna Bodine wrote:
Bad Muthafucker wrote:Whoa!!! That was pretty funny!
60 gallons of warm sperm
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Post by Guest »

walking_ash wrote:
HoustonKJ wrote:I still don't understand why he calls you "mid-carter".
A mid-carder is someone who doesn't bring in the big bucks at wrestling events like Smackdown. Not sure why it would be an insult to me, as it's not very probable this pud is making millions or anything close to a comfortable income doing low venue matches that don't even meet PG's standards.
It isn't exclusively a wrestling term. It would apply to someone in boxing or MMA who isn't a main-event marquee name but also not one of the schlubs in the opening/walk-out bouts.
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Post by Amy »

Now I'm sleepy.
[quote="Brandon"]another funny thing i noticed as i was cleaning out my car.... some chicks phone number... written on the back of a paper which on the front had my chalmydia prescription.[/quote]
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Post by Bad Muthafucker »

Wow! Up another 9 posts today!
walking_ash wrote:Are you trying to impress me...?
Was that a flirt? Don't flatter yourself, pussy.
walking_ash wrote:Are you fucking retarded?
Not as retarded as your mother was when she decided to have you instead of using the wire coat hanger that your father was trying to convince her to use.
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Post by walking_ash »

walking_ash wrote:Are you trying to impress me with your white trash county's alcoholic reputation? You had had about as much to do with that as every white kid born in Compton has to do with hiphop and street violence. Think it through a little better next time, jackass.

Why would it take you 5 minutes to type one post? Are you fucking retarded?
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This thread is HIV positive.
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Post by GoddamnElectric »

The Pantera reunion is coming up. They're gonna tour with AIC and Queen.
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Bad Muthafucker »

So now, all these years later, has anyone heard/read anything new on this topic? Is Vinnie still ready to choke Phil, or have things calmed down any? And if things have calmed down, have they calmed down to the point where these two might actually speak? Or have they already spoken? I haven’t really paid much attention in a long while. Anyone know?
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Jebodiah »

They both settled it to a game of Pong.
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Bren »

Vinnie's just trying to figure out a way of selling it on ebay
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Bar Rat »

Vinnie needs to realize that it's not all Phil's fault. The NWO is in control of Phil now and forced him to use his haarp machine to control Gale's mind.
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by monotheist »

Everybody has moved on, they are not friends, they havent been friends since the mid 90's, nor will they ever be friends again. Move the fuck on.
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Richard The Duke »

Bad Muthafucker wrote:So now, all these years later, has anyone heard/read anything new on this topic? Is Vinnie still ready to choke Phil, or have things calmed down any? And if things have calmed down, have they calmed down to the point where these two might actually speak? Or have they already spoken? I haven’t really paid much attention in a long while. Anyone know?
Phil tried to contact Vinny but I guess it didn't work. He got Vinny's phone number from the Oven ad but could only get a hold of that asshole video bob, who would refuse to put vinny on the line.
[quote="heavymetalsoldier666"] my father is coming[/quote]
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Leviathan »


phil is still part of the brotherhood no matter what dumb fucking idiots may think.
he was pantera just like you and me
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Bren »

HeavyMetalZombie666 wrote:I am the fucking anti-christ and you will bow down to me.
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Jebodiah »

:lll: :lll: :lll:
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by Bert »

:lll: :lll: :lll:
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Re: Has the war-of-words between Vinnie & Phil cooled down?

Post by ron c nigbur »

It's been too long :aargh:
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